A paper diary, who still uses it today? And why? We found the answer!
Let's start at the beginning. The paper agenda frees us from the stalker we call our smartphone. No constant "read-my-messages" sound, but a tangible set of delicious-smelling papers.
Plans that are on paper are remembered ten times better than the typed version. In a paper calendar, they become real and concrete. Our brain memorizes them.
Don't we all need a little more peace in our heads? By writing down to-do's and activities, we distract our minds from practical matters. This creates more brain space for rest, creativity, and crazy ideas.

On paper, the week is clear at a glance! Easy to keep a good overview of professional and leisure plans. There is also always room for notes. Useful for freelancers who want to jot down their worked hours somewhere. Or for detailed planning.
Paper diaries are personal. After a year filled with plans, activities, facts, and ideas, it's time to flip through them. Nostalgic moments with a view of all that has happened in the past year are there to be cherished.
Last but not least, the paper calendar is always there for you! Never a dead battery, thankfully.